Yesterday, I had created a pretty useful workaround for the still fucked up PDFKit in Sierra, which prevents Skim from running. Motivated by Andrea Alberti, I’ve today created a much better version which can be applied in one minute, with one single command, and does not require to keep...
Continue reading...January 2017
Better Workaround for the still fucked up PDFKit problem on MacOS
So I had written here about the problem with PDFKit under MacOS and shown how to get an deploy an alternative version of PDFKit which fixes the problem. Unfortunately, that makes Preview no longer work with PDF files, which is why I had also supplied there a script for...
Continue reading...Fix fontd being a CPU hog on MacOS
I just saw that there was a runaway fontd process. Fixed it like so: sudo atsutil databases -remove; atsutil server -shutdown Most importantly, this has drastically brought down CPU usage overall. Apparently, it impacts a whole lot of applications.
Continue reading...“What is your main purpose in life right now?”
As part of my DBA, there is what the university calls a “personal development module.” So people ask me questions that are meant to make you think. The question we got over the holiday period was this: “What is your main purpose in life right now?” I don’t know...
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