How to run a SuperDrive on a USB Hub – MacOS Sierra Version

Over here, I described how to run a SuperDrive on a USB hub. The issue is that Apple normally disallows you to do so since it thinks the SuperDrive needs to be powered – something that a USB hub can perfectly be able to do. Before, it was sufficient to change a system file in order to fix the issue; now, that change is disallowed (actually, since two versions of the operating system, but I don’t use CDs that much, so I didn’t even notice). The fix still works. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Shutdown your Mac. Then, start into the recovery system by holding down the Command key, together with the key “R”, pressing the power button shortly, and then releasing Command+R when the Apple logo appears on the screen.
  2. Next, choose your language. Let’s assume you’re using English.
  3. Then, from the Utilities menu at the top of the screen, choose Terminal.
  4. Inside the terminal window, type csrutil status, followed by return, to verify whether the system integrity protection is enabled.
  5. If it is, type csrutil disable, followed by return, to disable system integrity protection. We are going to re-enable it after applying the fix for the SuperDrive.
  6. Choose Restart from the Apple menu in the upper left corner, and wait for the System to restart.
  7. Once restarted, proceed exactly as described in my previous article.
  8. Once you’ve done that, follow again the steps 1 to 6 above, but in step 5, instead of typing csrutil disable, you type csrutil enable, followed by return.

